Laser treatment of acupuncture
points as an alternative for tactile stimulation in energy psychotherapy
word „laser“ is an acronym standing for „Light Amplification
by Stimulated Emission of Radiation“. This special type of light was
discovered in 1960, when Theodore H. Maiman of Hughes Aircraft mounted a
synthetic ruby rod inside a powerful flash lamp (Maiman, 1960). When he
activated the flash lamp, an intense pulse of red light burst forth from the
end of the rod. This light was both monochromatic (a single color) and coherent
(all of the waves were precisely in step). The difference between the output of
a laser and that of an incandescent light bulb is like the difference between
white noise and a single tone. The laser age was born. Within a very short
time, laser action was demonstrated in gasses, liquids, and semiconductor
crystals. The output of a laser can be pulsed or a continuous beam; visible,
infrared, or ultraviolet; less than a milliwatt – or millions of watts of
lasers nowadays are diode lasers, light emitting semiconductor chips, driven by
low voltage power supply. Wavelengths vary between red (635 nm, actually may
appear slightly orange-red) through deep red (670 nm) and beyond in the
infrared realm (780 nm and up). Green and blue laser diodes have been produced
in various research labs but until recently, only operated at liquid nitrogen temperatures,
with a very limited lifespan. Long lived room temperature blue and green diode
lasers will soon be commercially available. Violet (around 400 nm) laser diodes
are just going into production.
The beam quality depends on design. The raw beam is elliptical or wedge shaped
and astigmatic. Correction requires additional optics (internal or external).
The power varies from 1 mW to 5 mW (most common), up to 100 W or more. Lasers
are applied in CD players and CD-ROM drives, LaserDisc, MiniDisc, and other
optical devices. Costs vary from $15 to $10,000+.[2]
acupuncture, laser instruments have been used since many years. Usually, 635
nanometer diode lasers are used for this purpose. The wavelength corresponds
with the monochromatic, coherent light emitted by human cells. With the laser
light, the ear acupuncture points are treated, although also other points can
be also be accessed. The ear points are closer to the surface than the body
points and the laser light can penetrate the skin more easily. Because of the
fiber-optic nature of the acupuncture meridian system, the laser light easily
spreads along its channels. The diagram shows the location of the connections
to the organs on the outer ear.
treatment was introduced to meridian-based therapy by Bob Radomski. In Laser
Ear Spray, or LES, the laser is used to stimulate the reflex points in the ear
that relate to all of the other acupuncture points on the body. As in other
energy psychology techniques, we are stimulating acupuncture points to balance
the body’s energy system in relation to the negative or upsetting
thoughts or scenes. The concept of the laser ear spray is a little different
from the straight use of ear acupuncture as stated in the preceding paragraph.
In her handbook, Sandi Radomski describes Laser Ear Spray as a way to treat
In my
own practice, I've been using lasers since 1999, with excellent results.
Initially I used a laser pointer, as designed for presentation purposes, and
then started to use the AdiMa Beauty Laser, a Swiss diode laser especially
designed to treat acupuncture points[4].
It has exactly the frequency of 635 Nm and the beam is not focused on a single
point like in lasers developed for presentation purposes. The Beauty laser has
an output power of 5 mW, the maximum power level allowed to be sold to
non-medically trained persons.
Laser Ear Spray is an excellent addition to energy psychology methods.
If the client is accessible to it and accepts the treatment, it’s my
method of choice for the treatment of phobias and for the psychological
sequelae of traumatic events. First a few words of caution:
· Not all clients can
profit from the laser. Some don't react at all; others experience the beam on
the outer ear as irritating or even painful. One time a client reacted with a
headache, although this could also be caused by the release of emotional
material. Some people express resistance against the use of modern technology.
Any resistance must be handled carefully, whereby the quality of the working
relationship has priority over the use of the laser. In every energy psychology
treatment of a client, it makes sense to be able to practice a number of
different techniques, as client’s reactions are idiosyncratic.
In the
treatment of trauma, the client is introduced to the laser first, and questions
are answered in the same way, as any other method would be explained. After the
usual introductory contact and contract work, the client focuses on the
traumatic event to be neutralized. This can be done with the help of
Psychological Debriefing techniques. Sometimes, debriefing can be considerably
shortened with the help of the laser. The client is invited to tell the story, as
if it happens now, and as soon as the narrative is
interrupted or becomes emotional, the client is asked to stay with that moment,
to focus on the images and the experiences. Then the laser treatment is applied
on one of the ears. The whole of the outer ear is „sprayed“ with a
frequency of 2–4 movements per second, from a distance of about one
centimeter. Spraying the right ear seems to make it easier to access the
experience, while spraying the left ear removes the tension. During the process
the client is asked what comes up, and the therapist encourages him/her to tell
emotions, thoughts and details of the situation remembered, just as in
Psychological Debriefing. Within a short time, it becomes clear if laser ear
spray is the right treatment: It simply works or it doesn’t. It works if
the client, after accessing the situation, within minutes starts to breathe
deeply, and experiences significant changes in the assessment of the
traumatizing event. I tend to start on the right ear of the client, and after a
few minutes changes to the left. This change of target points is more or less
intuitive, guided by the process. When nothing happens on the right side any
more, the treatment is continued on the left outer ear. Switching from left to
right and back a few times may be necessary to get the process going. The
client is encouraged to talk during the laser treatment, with questions like:
It’s important to work in the present tense and to keep the client
in contact with the situation worked on. The therapist moves carefully move
from frame to frame in the inner movie. Usually, the inner picture of the
traumatic event changes from an experience to a memory within minutes under the
influence of the laser. Of course, the dosage of the intensity of the
experience lies in the hands of the experienced therapist, and no measure or
caution is different from conventional, professional treatment.
important to work with one only one critical incident at a time, and even with
separate frames of the inner movie. Once a frame has been worked through and
has lost its original emotional charge, there is a phase of cognitive
integration before the client starts with the treatment of the next frame or event.
The treatment is finished when the client can tell the story of the event
without intensive emotions or without significant blanks or interruptions. The
way clients process the events depends on the frequency, duration and intensity
of traumatic events in the person's life. With type I PTSD, resulting from a
single traumatic events, the effects of this treatment are often amazing.
greatest advantage of the use of the laser is that it maintains the flow of the
therapeutic process. There is no interruption for muscle testing, tapping
sequences or eye movements. This is especially important in the work with the
sequelae of traumatic events. The laser can be used in combination with many
different techniques. Clients can tell their personal experience as narratives,
reporting traumatic events, as well as in the form of metaphors. Recently, a
client described her own life situation as hanging at the edge of a cliff,
almost falling into an abyss. After a few rounds of LES, departing from this
metaphor, she felt able to fly like an eagle.
# 1:
The client was a woman from a Near East country. She suffered from
severe nightmares and other PTSD symptoms due to imprisonment and torture 20
years ago. In the 1980’s, she had been jailed for three years, and for
more than 100 days, she was systematically tortured by the military that took
over the country. She was a teacher and working in a union, which criticized
the school system. At the time, the torturers had said that they wouldn't kill
her but that she would wish they'd killed her every day for the rest of her
life. This nasty prophecy had become true, and she suffered seriously from
intrusive images. She came to see me for treatment of the PTSD symptoms. It was
very encouraging to learn that she was able to react immediately and very
positively to laser ear spray treatment. As soon as she got into intensive
emotions in telling her story, I treated her with the laser and after a minute
she breathed deeply and let go of the images. She had never had this experience
before in telling the story, usually the symptoms got worse when she talked
about what had happened to her. For me as the psychotherapist, the results
looked similar to working with EMDR and EFT/TFT tapping. The main difference
was that she didn't have to do anything herself. This was very supporting and
made it easier for her to stay with the memories to be processed.
In the
following session, there had been no
intrusive images anymore, from the torture scenes we treated in the first
session. She felt much more quiet and had slept well for the first time in many
years. This time, she reported one more torture scene and two incidents from
her childhood in which she was molested. As a child, she had never spoken about
this. In her culture, it would have meant that her father would have had to
kill the men and therefore go into prison.
According to the client, these incidents had created 70% of her emotional
problems. It was the first time she talked about these incidents, and again she
went through in only a few minutes with the laser treatment. At the end of the
session she broadly smiled, something she told me she hadn't done for 20 years.
In the third session she showed some symptoms again, but with less intensity.
Laser treatment again took off the sharp edge of the experience. In the
following sessions, there were no signs of PTSD; she continued treatment on
relational and child-raising issues.
T.H. (1960). Stimulated Optical Radiation in Ruby. Nature, 6 Aug. 1960, 187 (4736), 493-4.
[1] Willem Lammers, TSTA, CTS is a social and clinical psychologist, a
licensed psychotherapist and a consultant to organizations with over 20 years
of experience in the field. He is a Certified Teaching and Supervising Transactional
Analyst and a ATSS Certified Trauma Specialist. He is currently the director of
IAS, the Institute for the Application of the Social Science in Maienfeld,
Switzerland. After training in the USA he has been working with meridian-based
psychotherapies since 1996 and developed several new techniques and
applications. He was one of the first professionals to teach meridian-based
psychotherapy and counselling in Europe and organized the first European
Conference on Energy Psychology 2001. He teaches in many different countries.
[2] The information on laser technology in
this article was taken from
[4] The AdiMa Beauty Laser can be purchased